Thursday, November 1, 2018

Emerson’s Essay

            Emerson’s Self Relience talked about believing in ones self and doing things that we want not what others expect from us. In the title, Self Relience, to me shows that we should depend on ourselves to make the choices that we want. In life many people will want u Tom be one way or act a certain way but to believe that you can do anything you want. Emerson has a strong idea in his essay he doesn’t care if we agree with him or not he is speaking his mind throughout the whole essay.
            The overall meaning of the essay to me is to be you and to not be just like everyone else because that isn’t really you. You shouldn’t try to fit into a crowd of people and be who they want you to be. You should be your own person and be okay with who you are don’t hide behind something that you don’t want to be. You can stand out and speak your mind because someone might take your idea.  “ Emerson said, “Whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist.” This means a man/woman shouldn’t be or fit an idea of everyone thinks. They do what they want and don’t fit a stereotype that everyone expects them to. For example a teenager is expected to be lazy, rebellious and to be very irresponsible but many teens have jobs and help support their families and want to be something in life. We all should be ourselves and not follow everyone and want to be a certain way. 
           To me Emerson was very good at writing this essay because he had an idea of what he wanted and wrote down what he believed everyone should be who they want to be. Many people let others tell them how they should be or act when in fact the only persons opinion that should matter is yours because overall you act the way you want to act because it’s your life. Emerson was himself in writing the essay because he didn’t care what would happen or who would judge him for it. 

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BNW Chapter 18